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LABORATORY SAFETY Personal protection is required for all individuals in the laboratory. Depending on the procedure to be carried out, different types of protection must be available in the laboratory. Safe Personal Laboratory Habits 1. Eye protection must be worn at all times. 2. Food/drink is not allowed in laboratories where chemicals are used/ stored. 3. No smoking in the laboratory. 4. Lab coats must be worn while handling corrosive, toxic, or flammable mater...
What is Pollution Prevention? Pollution prevention is the practice of reducing or eliminating the generation of waste while avoiding shifting the hazards from one medium to another (e.g., from water to air, from hazardous waste to solid waste, or from environmental concerns to fire safety concerns) . Although the pollution prevention concept is traditionally associated with hazardous chemicals, it is also applicable to energy consumption and natural resource use (e.g., water, minerals, a...
如何正确清洗实验器皿 一、常规洗涤法(一般容器) 1.清洗实验器皿前先用肥皂洗手; 2.先用自来水冲去灰尘,再用毛刷蘸洗涤剂液仔细刷净内外表面,之后边刷边用水冲至无洗涤剂液; 3.再用自来水冲洗3~5次,去离子水冲洗3次; 4.不便刷洗的实验器皿先用洗涤match剂液浸泡后用水冲洗,洗净的玻璃器皿内外不挂水珠,器壁上残留的水用指示剂检查为中性; 5.去污粉不得用于洗涤刻度器皿和玻璃仪器内壁,以防划伤玻璃。 二、不同材质器皿的洗涤 1.银、镍和铁质器皿用NaOH熔融,也可用1:3稀HCl短时间浸泡后...